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Katch Our Life Charmaine Fong Concert

By Katch /K Club Limited
19 - 20 May 2023
Hall 10 View Seating Map

Event Details

Katch offers event tickets and epic experiences to members. In 2023, Katch will hold a series of concerts with core theme "Katch Our Life, Bravely Be You", encouraging everyone to live in the present and be brave to be themselves.
The concert will kick off with distinctive and self-assured Charmaine Fong, who has always been courageous in living out her true self. We hope that through her music, can inspire audiences; and embrace everyone to rediscover themselves and live their lives to the fullest.
Katch presents "Katch Our Life Charmaine Fong Concert", for two consecutive days on 19-20 May, holds at Hall 10 of AsiaWorld-Expo. Charmaine Fong will share the moment with audiences and embrace the present together.

Admission Arrangements

Arrangement for Seating Zone 
  • Audiences are encouraged not to bring bags/backpacks to the event hall. Express Lanes for admission are available for audiences NOT carrying bags/backpacks (if applicable).
  • All audiences are required to go through handheld metal detector checking before entering the event hall (if applicable).
  • For audience who would like to re-enter the venue, please present the re-entry token together with the original concert admission ticket to our admission staff. AWE reserves the right to amend the admission procedures from time to time.
The use of wheelchairs or electric wheelchairs on AWE premises is subject to the following conditions:
  • Wheelchair seat tickets are designated for persons who depend on wheelchair for mobility and their accompanying minders. When purchasing wheelchair seat tickets, each wheelchair user is entitled to purchase a maximum of one minder at the same time. Wheelchair seat ticket holders must produce proof of mobility difficulties* upon demand by AWEM during admission.  AWEM will refuse admission without refund, in case of non-wheelchair user or any person accompanying any non-wheelchair user holding wheelchair seat ticket or minder ticket for admission. AWEM and the event organiser reserve the right to have the final decision in case of any disputes.
* Proof of mobility difficulties means “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” (Physical Disability) or other valid medical documentary proof showing physical disability or mobility difficulties.
  • Wheelchair users with tickets may contact AWE (+852-3606 888) for admission assistance. They are also advised to arrive at the performance venue with sufficient lead time for admission.

Important Notices

(Traditional Chinese only)
  • 表演場內不准進行未獲授權的攝影、錄影、現場直播及錄音。觀眾進入場館前,須接受手提袋/背包檢查。38 X 30 X 20 厘米 (15 X 12 X 8吋) 以上手提袋/背包、所有專業相機、攝錄及錄音器材及矮凳/可折疊式座椅均禁止帶進表演場內。如有上述限制物品,請寄存於行李寄存服務櫃位或地下的自助儲物箱。
  • 活動門票必須從官方票務銷售點購買。任何損毀、污損、經過塗改、殘缺不全或複印之門票,一概將不受理。
  • 所有門票均不設退款或作任何轉讓。每票只限一人,並須按照主辦機構設定的觀眾年齡限制。任何情況下,遺失的企位或不設劃位門票均不獲補發。
  • 基於安全理由,場館範圍內不准攜帶「自拍桿」。
  • 座位觀眾年齡限制: 只限3歲或以上。
  • 亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁吸煙。
  • 不准攜帶外來食品及飲品進入亞洲國際博覽館。
  • 嚴禁攜帶玻璃樽、任何比空氣輕的充氣物體,不論其物料(如:氣球)、任何危險品、武器、噴霧類或利器等物品進入表演場內。
  • 於亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁攜帶及使用違禁藥物。
  • 於亞洲國際博覽館範圍內嚴禁售賣或派發未獲授權的商品或其他物品。
  • 不准站於座椅上。
  • 不准於樓梯及公眾走廊停留。
  • 嚴禁攜帶及發放煙花、煙火、或使用激光儀器。
  • 不准攜帶及使用任何遙控飛行設備或玩具(如:模型直升機、無人駕駛飛機)。
  • 演出可能會有強光、閃光或煙霧效果,如觀眾感到不適或需要協助,請盡快通知現場醫療或保安人員。
  • 嚴禁炒賣門票。門票如已被使用或轉售、分享予他人或作其他商業用途,亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司及主辦機構將保留取消該門票之決定權。
  • 遲到者或被安排於適當時候方可進場,惟不能保證遲到者之進場權利
  • 除獲亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司所發出之書面同意的導盲犬外,所有人士均不得攜帶任何動物進入場館。
  • 持票人士使用門票時將被視為同意遵守及接受亞洲國際博覽館、主辦機構及其官方票務之可適用條款及細則。各項條款及細則將不時修改而不作另行通知。
  • 亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司作為場地提供者不能保證參加者的視野在活動中完全不受任何阻礙。
  • 如本活動因任何原因(包括但不限於惡劣天氣情況、交通問題或流行性疾病)需取消或改期,請留意Katch Facebook專頁(內的最新公佈。主辦單位及/或場館管理機構將負責有關本活動改期之事宜,主辦單位亦有權更改活動內容而不作另行通知。本門票一經發出,在任何情況下均不設更換、退還或退款。
  • 如有任何爭議,亞洲國際博覽館管理有限公司及主辦機構保留最終決定權。

Ticket Prices

Seated: $880 / $780 / $580 / $380⁠
Wheelchair: $780

Ticket Sales

Tickets are available from 10 March 2023 (FRI) at 10am at HK Ticketing.
Telephone booking hotline: (852)3128-8288 (10am-6pm) .

Dates And Times

19 May 2023
8:15 PM - 8:15 PM


Hall 10

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